Friday, November 25, 2011

Landon's life

Hello! This is Landon. The reason I created this blog is because my mom has a blog called "Land of XXXXX"[which she really needs to update]. I was born in XXXXXXX and moved into a very nice house[which I can't tell you] and had a cat. Now I am in XXX XXXXXXXXX XXXXX. I go to XXXXXXXXX XXXXXX Elementary School. And other posts won't be covered with X's because I wouldn't be revealing anything. That is the end of my first post.


  1. Hey buddy! I'm here! So proud of you for creating your own blog! You are such a technical genius:-) I love you and I can't wait to see our movie together today! Xoxo

  2. Hi buddy!!! Good blog, keep it up!
