Sunday, November 27, 2011

Twilight: Breaking Dawn

Twilight. A crazy movie. I haven't seen any of the Twilight series but I know it's horrible. Now I know I just made a huge mistake about posting this because now people who are crazy enough to like Twilight[I just made it worse]Are going to comment with cusses. But the 1st was crazy the 2nd one made people love "Edward"the 3rd was just, wow, and the 4th, I can't even say it. Besides, Twilight. The worst name for a movie. Wow.


Just a second ago I was struggling with my dad to make myself an account on Gmail, I will tell you that Gmail is just worthless. I do not like it at all! RRG! Now my dad is trying it on Yahoo. So far, no luck. Well, I'll tell you how bad that is later. But for now, Facebook is the target. Everybody is using it and my dad's friend is a Facebook maniac! What is Facebook about? What's it for? Nobody knows, except for the guy who created it. They even made a movie about him-REALLY? Comment if you agree.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

My trip to the movies.

Today I went to the movies and saw a great movie called Arthur Christmas, and I think you should see it.

Santa Claus is comin' to town.

This year my family is going to first [on Christmas Eve] all stay at my house and kind of give early presents. Later we try to listen to Santa's bells ring in and out of our house. Then finally we'll SCREAM about the awesome things we got. Later we would go to our Grandparents house and then our Dad's house. I CAN'T wait til' Christmas comes around!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Landon's life

Hello! This is Landon. The reason I created this blog is because my mom has a blog called "Land of XXXXX"[which she really needs to update]. I was born in XXXXXXX and moved into a very nice house[which I can't tell you] and had a cat. Now I am in XXX XXXXXXXXX XXXXX. I go to XXXXXXXXX XXXXXX Elementary School. And other posts won't be covered with X's because I wouldn't be revealing anything. That is the end of my first post.